Student Support Services
Student support services professionals provide direct services for all children and youth, especially those who are experiencing problems that create barriers to learning. Student support services include health services, school psychology, Section 504, social work, school counselors, Extended School Year, and homebound instruction.
Parkway has a full compliment of building staff to support all of our students.
- An Advanced Learning Program (ALP) is provided to academically gifted students in grades 2-8.
- English as a Second Language (ESL) program provides instruction for all students (K-12) with limited English proficiency.
- Occupational and Physical Therapists are provided to students with disabilities who require specialized instruction in fine and gross motor areas.
- Remedial Reading assistance with a reading specialist is available in each school.
- School Psychologists are available to conduct evaluations, counseling, and consultations for students experiencing academic, social or emotional difficulties in each school.
- Social Workers, who serve as liaisons between the school, home, and community, provide intervention when necessary to enhance a student’s adjustment and functioning at school.
- Speech Services are available for students with speech and/or language disorders.
- Students With Disabilities are provided through IDEA and Section 504 with accommodations, individualized special education programs, related services (such as those seen on this page), accommodations and modifications in general education, alternative learning environments and programs, assistive technology and extended school year services. All programs are developed using a team that includes staff, families and the student.